
Promenades dans Rome

Rundtisch, Summer Schools, Roma/Online

Entrance Via Liguria 20
Live streaming

Rundtisch, Summer Schools

Entrance Via Liguria 20
Live streaming

The encounter will be held in English. Limited capacity of seats.
Register here to attend the event in presence.

The event can also be followed online on Zoom.
Register here to participate.

On the occasion of the Summer School Promenades dans Rome. Assembly practises between visions, ruins and reconstructions, a project by the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Istituto Svizzero hosts an open roundtable with discussants Nicola Braghieri (EPFL) and Federico Bucci (Polimi).


Understood as a monumental Wunderkammer, Rome contains a marvellous patrimony of fragments ready to be recomposed in new architectures. But it also reveals the ways these fragments have been assembled over the millennia, becoming the largest and most complex work of art in the world. The subject of the conference Promenades dans Rome will be the city in its role as an eternal archive of references for the practice and theory of architecture.

EPFL school of architecture and Istituto Svizzero organize a dialogue that aims to offer a critical reading on urban phenomena prompted by the theory of art, in both its written form and the practical dimension. Scholars and researchers will produce an open reflection bringing together the specific contributions of their respective disciplines.

The proposed open roundtable will address Rome as a “city built in fragments”, “model of additive practice”, “atlas of affinities” and “repertoire of analogies” through dialectical approach confronting history, theory, criticism, photography and architectural design. In this way, the city of Rome simultaneously constitutes the subject of any reflections and, through the history of its representations, its main theoretical and methodological reference. 

The roundtable will present the synthesis and conclusion of the week, in which researchers from EPFL Lausanne and other European institutions are hosted by the Istituto Svizzero. At the end of the seminar, a printed volume will be published collecting the material produced during the encounters.

Visit the summer schools page here.

Scientific Committee 

Laboratoire des Arts pour les Sciences
Nicola Braghieri, Director

Elisa Boeri (Polimi)
Filippo Cattapan (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
Filippo Fanciotti (EPFL)
Francesca Mattei (Uniroma3)
Giacomo Pala (Universität Innsbruck)
Anna Positano (IED Firenze)
Valter Scelsi (UniGe)