Event Horizon — Là où commence le ciel
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I venerdì pomeriggio
The Friday afternoons at Istituto Svizzero are dedicated to our residents. It is an opportunity for the public to learn more about the projects they are working on during this year’s residency.
Event Horizon – Là où commence le ciel
An evening of sky-driven film screenings
Conceived by Pauline Julier and Filipa Ramos
To conclude her Istituto Svizzero residency, Pauline Julier and writer Filipa Ramos offer an initial glimpse of the artist’s current research project “Là où commence le ciel” [There where the sky begins].
The evening of the 9th of September will reveal fragments of Julier’s working process while flying over the Mont Fuji and following the wakes of drones, dwelling into visual and theoretical works that look, hear, think and dream the sky, taken as an entity, an assemblage of metaphorical and concrete figures.
Out now, listen here: DISPATCH N° 8

Drone Parrot AR, by Gonçalo F. Cardoso & Ruben Pater, 2015, 0:46 min
after, by Pauline Julier, 2012, 8:13 min
Drone Raven_RQ-11, by Gonçalo F. Cardoso & Ruben Pater, 2015, 1:06 min
Cloud studies, by Forensic Architecture, 2020, 23:28 min
Drone X-47B, by Gonçalo F. Cardoso & Ruben Pater, 2015, 0:18 min
Cloudgraphy, by Helmut Völter, 2015, 5 min
Drone Shadow RQ7, by Gonçalo F. Cardoso & Ruben Pater, 2015, 0:21 min
Mount Fuji – The Movement of Clouds, by Abe Masanao, 1929, 18 min / Digital version of original 35mm film / BW / Silent Producer + Director: Masanao Abe / Camera: Abe Cloud Air Current Research Observatory The University Museum, the University of Tokyo (UMUT)
Clouds and Air Currents, by Abe Masanao, 1946, 22 min / Digital version of original 35mm film / BW Riken Film Corporation / Conception: Central Meteorological Observatory / Supervision: Masanao Abe / With Sho Tomioka / Camera: Yoshikusu Matsuo / Editing: Kikuo Iwahori The University Museum, the University of Tokyo (UMUT)
Drone Global Hawk RQ4, by Gonçalo F. Cardoso & Ruben Pater, 2015, 0:45 min
Credits for Abe Masanao’s films: Intermediatheque, The University Museum, the University of Tokyo (UMUT).
Sound tracks are from A Study into 21st Century Drone Acoustics’ by Gonçalo F. Cardoso & Ruben Pater.
Duration of screenings approximately 80′.
The event has limited capacity. Please send an email to prenotazioni@istitutosvizzero.it
Filipa Ramos is a Lisbon-born writer based in London. Her research looks at human’s engagement with animals in the context of art. She founded and curates Vdrome. She is Lecturer at Central Saint Martins and the Arts Institute of Basel. She curates The Shape of a Circle in the Mind of a Fish with Lucia Pietroiusti for the Serpentine Galleries.
Pauline Julier is artist and filmmaker. Her films and installations have been shown in contemporary art centres, institutions and festivals around the world: the Centre Pompidou (Paris); the Loop Festival (Barcelona); Visions du Réel (Nyon); the Tokyo Wonder Site; the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève; the Museum of Modern Art in Tanzania; the Cinémathèque (Toronto), and the Pera(Istanbul) among others. She has participated in the Biennale of Art in Chile in 2019 and is part of Bruno Latour’s new exhibition in ZKM Karlsruhe.
© Pauline Julier, 'AFTER' (still), 2012