
aqua fluens et sonans

Archaelogie, Kunst, Vortrag, Workshop, Palermo

Aterraterra LAB H16:30-18:30
Palazzo Butera H19:00-20:30
‚I Pomeriggi‘ series

Archaelogie, Kunst, Vortrag, Workshop

Aterraterra LAB H16:30-18:30
Palazzo Butera H19:00-20:30
‚I Pomeriggi‘ series

I pomeriggi series 
I pomeriggi at Istituto Svizzero is a series dedicated to our Fellows. It is an opportunity for the public to learn more about the projects they are working on during this year’s residency.

The event is curated by Aleksandra Mistireki (Palermo Calling 2023, Archaeology) and Sarina Scheidegger (Roma Calling 2023/2024, Visual arts).

aqua fluens et sonans 

For their pomeriggio, the archeologist Aleksandra Mistireki and the artist Sarina Scheidegger collaborate in a two-part event at Aterraterra and Palazzo Butera in Palermo. Their common interest lies in the broad variation of water containers, their archaeological context as well as the current topics of hydrofeminism and its solidarity across watery bodies.
The joint journey aims to make the participants aware of the different stages of water as well as the high variety and long durée of water containers in their historical aspects and the contemporary discourse (appearing from ancient knowledge to feminist and sci-fi narratives).

Aterraterra LAB, via Giacalone 43, Palermo
Workshop and listening session in English
Free entry, register here.

In the first part, the artist Sarina Scheidegger invites the audience to participate in a workshop where they can form their own clay vessels while listening to an audio piece which is dedicated to the polyphonic and collaborative virtue of water, its many voices, and sounds. The workshop aims to create an intimate atmosphere with the participants who are invited to mold a container in this aquatic listening experience – Duration 1.5-2 hours

Palazzo Butera, Sala Tremlet, via Butera 8, Palermo
Conference in Italian
Free entry, register here.

In the second part, the archaeologist Aleksandra Mistireki and two guest speakers – Chiara Pilo and Adriano Pensallorto – talk about the so-called Hydriai, containers to transport and hold water in antiquity. They explore different archaeological settings in the Mediterranean and around Sicily as well as the use and meaning of the Hydriai in these specific contexts – Duration 1.5 hours

H19:00 ― Joëlle Comé (Istituto Svizzero), Welcome

Dr. Adriano Pensallorto, Agrigento. Lo scavo della fontana ad ovest del teatro: considerazioni preliminari

Dr.ssa Chiara Pilo, Un vaso per le donne? L’hydria nella ceramica attica figurata tra simbolo e funzione

Aleksandra Mistireki, Alla ricerca dell’acqua per gli dei. Indagini sulle hydriai del Piano del Tamburino, Himera

H20:00 ― Discussion moderated by Aleksandra Mistireki

H20:30 ― Aperitif at Bar Le Cattive, Palazzo Butera