Kinship in Transformation
Art-Science series
Art-Science series
Kinship in Transformation
The event will be held in English at H16:30 at Istituto Svizzero, via Ludovisi 48, Rome
Registration here
Free entrance
The narratives of kinship, love and networks of care are deeply rooted in the respective social structures and cultural systems. In the Western world and beyond, the definition and ideas of these concepts are closely tied to a capitalistic and heteronormative social structure that has furthered the maintenance of privileges for some, and the persistence of inequalities for others. Anthropology and history, critical theory, and gender studies, and many more disciplines deal with questions related to kinship, love, and reproduction. Likewise, artists propose new stories and definitions and, in their practice and research, subject the normative claims and classical canons to a re-reading.
This event invites artists and researchers, coming from different disciplinary backgrounds and artistic practices, to share their reflections and work, opening to alternative narratives and stories about kinship and love that can nourish fresh perspectives. How can we think about kinship in new terms and acknowledge its myriad possible forms and always changing nature? And thinking beyond human relations, what can the realm of interspecies relations tell us?
The event is part of the Art-Science series dedicated to the encounter between scientific research and artistic practices, curated by Maria Böhmer (Head of Science) and Gioia Dal Molin (Head Curator).

H16:30-17:40 ― PANEL 1: Alternative Storytelling and Networks of Care
the carrier bag theory of fiction, audio-video opera da Kamera Speculativa (2020, Radio India)
Industria Indipendente, Performing and visual arts collective founded by Martina Ruggeri & Erika Z. Galli
Institutional greetings
Maria Böhmer, Istituto Svizzero
Gioia Dal Molin, Istituto Svizzero
Reframing the «Women’s Body ». Corporeality, Criticism of Capitalism and Bodily Politics in Left–wing Feminism around 1900
Mirjam Janett, University of Bern
Eclipse: Reading from a Carrier Bag Fiction.
Sarah Shin, Writer, editor and curator
H17:40 ― Coffee Break
H18:00-19:10 ― PANEL 2: Interspecies Love
Yvonne Volkart, Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW
Bo Zheng, Artist (online)
Screening and conversation
Pumzi (2009) Wanuri Kahiu, Filmmaker (online)
Monica Gagliano, Southern Cross University, Australia
Open discussion
This panel is a cooperation with the Institute Art Gender Nature, Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW, with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF.
H19:15-20:15 ― PANEL 3: Bodies and Technologies
Secret Third Things: On Feminism, Technology, and Ghosts
Laura Tripaldi, Researcher and writer
Reproductive Geopolitics. On how to make visible the nexus of selective reproduction, technologies and politics
Laura Perler and Mirko Winkel, University of Bern
Eva Pauline Bossow, Zurich
Organizing board:
Maria Böhmer
Gioia Dal Molin
The event may be photographed and/or video recorded for archival, educational, and related promotional purposes. By attending this event, you are giving your consent to be photographed and/or video recorded.
Kinship in Transformation, Istituto Svizzero, Roma, 2024. Photo © Davide Palmieri
Kinship in Transformation, Istituto Svizzero, Roma, 2024. Photo © Davide Palmieri
Kinship in Transformation, Istituto Svizzero, Roma, 2024. Photo © Davide Palmieri
Kinship in Transformation, Istituto Svizzero, Roma, 2024. Photo © Davide Palmieri
Kinship in Transformation, Istituto Svizzero, Roma, 2024. Photo © Davide Palmieri
Kinship in Transformation, Istituto Svizzero, Roma, 2024. Photo © Davide Palmieri
Kinship in Transformation, Istituto Svizzero, Roma, 2024. Photo © Davide Palmieri
Still from Pumzi (2009) by Wanuri Kahiu
Pumzi (2009) by Wanuri Kahiu
Fenomeni di materializzazione spiritica prodotti dalle medium Eva Carrière e Stanislava P. fotografati dallo psichiatra Albert von Schrenck-Notzing tra il 1909 e il 1913. Dal libro Phenomena of materialisation: a contribution to the investigation of mediumistic teleplastics, 1923.
Sammy Lee, The World (2024)
Industria Indipendente © Martina Leo
Zheng Bo, Pseudocopulation footage filmed in Gargano, Italy by Matteo Perilli showing an Andrena bee and orchid Ophrys lojaconoi, and in New South Wales, Australia by Colin Bower showing wasps Lissopimpla excelsa and three kinds of tongue orchids: Cryptostylis subulate, Cryptostylis leptochila, and Cryptostylis erecta, 2010 Digital video
Zheng Bo, Le Sacre du printemps, 2021-2022 4K video, color, sound, 16' Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue
Bild: Affiche de la conférence par Mme Nelly Roussel, organisée par la Ligue de la Régénération Humaine (Paris), [1907] (Quelle: International Institute of Social History (IISH), IISG BG E12/61).