
Arti e sessualità a Roma e nell’Italia del Sud

Conference, Summer Schools, Workshop, Roma

Entrance: via Liguria 20

Conference, Summer Schools, Workshop

Entrance: via Liguria 20

The event will be held in Italian and French at Istituto Svizzero from H16:00 to H19:00.
Free entrance, register here.

Istituto Svizzero
Via Liguria 20, Roma
Free entry

Arti e sessualità a Roma e nell’Italia del Sud
Ritmi e canti popolari tra corpi, sessualità e religione

The Summer School “Chiaroscuri: Arti e sessualità a Roma” invites students from the University of Geneva, HEAD – Genève, and the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze to explore, for one week at Istituto Svizzero, representations and figurative imaginaries at the crossroads of the sacred and the profane. During the week, themes related to the arts, sexual issues, and religion, as well as censorship, taboos, and morality, will be examined through examples from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, complemented by modern and contemporary narratives. The goal is to reflect on the public and political dimensions of sexuality in Italy yesterday and today. As the title suggests, the Summer School particularly focuses on the interstices of these themes and their “chiaroscuro” nuances as expressed through the arts in Rome and Italy.

The workshop and discussion Arti e sessualità a Roma e nell’Italia del Sud. Ritmi e canti popolari tra corpi, sessualità e religione is part of this Summer School. Elisa Flaminia Inno (author and director) and Vincenzo Romano (singer and musician) will offer an immersive workshop combining film and traditional rhythms of the “tammorra.” The workshop revolves around collective and popular rituals blending pagan and religious elements, based on ritual practices from Antiquity transmitted to the present day within local communities. At the end of the workshop, a discussion led by the three professors responsible for the scientific supervision of the Summer School will link the general context of the Summer School with the various interventions that characterize its program.

The Summer School is organized in collaboration with:
University of Geneva (Centre Maurice Chalumeau en sciences des sexualités (CMCSS) and Unité d’histoire de l’art)
HEAD – Genève
Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze


H16:00Arti e sessualità a Roma e nell’Italia del Sud.
Ritmi e canti popolari tra corpi, sessualità e religione

Immersive workshop between film and the rhythms of the “tammorra” music led by:

Elisa Flaminia Inno, author and director of documentaries
Vincenzo Romano, singer and musician



H17:30Followed by a discussion led by the professors supervising the summer school:

Clovis Maillet, HEAD – Genève, HES-SO
Henri de Riedmatten, Unité d’histoire de l’art, Faculté des lettres, Université de Genève
Marina Brancato, Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze





Marina Brancato graduated in Political Science with a thesis on civil ritualism in Ernesto de Martino (supervisor: Prof. P. Angelini, co-supervisor: Prof. P. Jedlowski) at the University L’Orientale in Naples. In 2011, at the same university, she earned a PhD in Anthropological Sciences and Cultural Change Analysis, working on the media representation of the earthquake in Abruzzo and Irpinia. She continued her teaching and research experience at L’Orientale: since 2011, she has been a contract lecturer for International Journalism and Journalistic Language Techniques labs and collaborating with the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Postcolonial Studies and Interethnic Relations led by Prof. Miguel Mellino. Since 2018, she has been teaching Visual Anthropology and Visual Ethnography for Photography and Cinema and Audiovisual courses at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Naples. Her research interests cross various disciplinary paths with a focus on collective imagination and memory, the concept of loss, and the relationship between anthropology, gender, and feminism.

Elisa Flaminia Inno is a director and documentary producer. After graduating in History and Film Criticism from DAMS at Roma Tre, she completed her documentary direction diploma at the National Institute of Image and Sound in Montreal, Canada. Her films address themes of cultural and gender identity in contemporary Italy, environmental preservation, and contemporary ethnography, with a strongly narrative approach. Her recent works include Pagani (2016, Istituto Luce, Cnc), Tutte a casa (La7, 2020) and Donne di Terra (2021, Rai Tre). She founded the 15|06 Film Association in Naples and is the Director of the international film festivals “Europa cinema al femminile” and “Mediterranea”. A lecturer in Audiovisual Disciplines and an independent researcher in Visual Anthropology, she has conducted research projects for the Istituto Centrale per il Patrimonio Immateriale in Rome and for the Visual Anthropology Laboratory “Annabella Rossi” at the University of Salerno.

Clovis Maillet specializes in gender issues and the history of trans identities. He holds a PhD from EHESS on medieval kinship under the supervision of Jean-Claude Schmitt (2010). Clovis Maillet has published La parenté hagiographique (Brepols, 2014) and Les genres fluides (Arkhê, 2020), and is preparing a book on trans history (Perrin) and another on trans ecologies (with Emma Bigé for LLL). He has taught at the Université Paris-Cité, ESAD TALM Angers, and UCO, and since 2023, he has been a lecturer at HEAD – Genève (HES-SO) and responsible for the Work.Master.

Henri de Riedmatten is a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Professor at the Department of Art History at the University of Geneva. He leads the research project “De la restauration comme fabrique des origines. Une histoire matérielle et politique de l’art à la Renaissance italienne.” His latest publication, Le suicide de Lucrèce. Éros et politique à la Renaissance, was published by Actes Sud in 2022. His current research focuses on iconoclasm and restoration issues, as well as animal representation in modern art.

Vincenzo Romano is known as the “Pilgrim Singer of Traditions.” He began playing the frame drum at the age of 9. He soon became known as the guardian of ancestral Neapolitan traditions. He performs on prestigious stages at traditional, ethical, and popular music festivals in Italy and Europe. He contributed to the film Al destino non chiedere quando by G. M. Valletta and the documentary Pagani by Elisa Flaminia Inno, providing soundtracks for both films (Flos Carmeli; Curri, curri mamma mia). As a singer-songwriter, he has released two albums, “Mammeddio” and “Jamme ja.”

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