Vedo non Vedo
Introduction and programme
The 2017/2018 artists and researchers’ residents at Istituto Svizzero, present “Vedo non vedo”, the final event of their residency Roma Calling.
The fil rouge of this transdisciplinary event is mystery, secret and transparency which leads us to unveil works of art and science.
The programme has been conceived by: Stève Bobillier, Miro Caltagirone alias Max Usata, Sabrina Fusetti, Richard Häni, Elise Lammer, Miriam Laura Leonardi, Lorenzo Planzi, Johan Rochel, Christian Schneider, Michelle Steinbeck, Martina-Sofie Wildberger.
During the day—starting from 4 pm until late—performances, installations, screenings, philosophical cafés for children and adults, writing workshops and, lastly, concerts and a dj-set will take place in the garden of Villa Maraini.
Miriam Laura Leonardi (fellow, visual artist)
Chiuso per Eros (Fioroni), 2018
Miriam Laura Leonardi
Senza Titolo (Tavola Rotonda), 2018
Michelle Steinbeck (fellow, writer)
I Know What You Are Thinking – Live Stream of Consciousness
Throughout the event the writer will document facts, events and words which will take place in Villa Maraini
Workshop and talks
From 4 to 5pm (in the garden and in the Villa)
Stève Bobillier (fellow, philosopher)
Les mystères de l’amour
Philosophical cafe for adults, in French
Johan Rochel (fellow, philosopher)
Mystery of the Art: can Art be made by Machines?
Philosophical cafe for adults, in English
Initiation into philosophy for children
Philosophical cafe for children (age 5-9 and age 10-14, two groups), in italian, organised by Prof. Alessandro Volpone and by Annalisa Decarli, in collaboration with Centro di Ricerca sull’Indagine Filosofica
To sign-up to the philosophical cafes please send an email to
At 4 and 6.15pm (in Sala Conferenze, duration 30′)
Sabrina Fusetti (fellow, archaeologist)
I segreti di uno scavo archeologico
Presentation of the documentary and screening of the trailer of Berg der Steine ​​- Ausgrabungen auf dem Monte Iato / Monte Iato – The history of an excavation, by Andreas Elsener (Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Zurich
From 5 to 7.20pm
Richard Häni, Lorenzo Planzi e Christian Schneider (fellows, historians)
Tria digita scribunt, totus corpus laborat. Il copista e lo scriptorium nell’Europa medievale
Conferenza e laboratori per comprendere cos’è uno scriptorium e vivere in prima persona l’esperienza di un copista medievale.
5-5:50pm (in Sala Conferenze)
Part I: Conference
Tria digita scribunt, totus corpus laborat. Il copista e lo scriptorium nell’Europa medievale Professor Francesca Santoni (Università degli Studi di Roma – La Sapienza)
6-6.30pm (in Giardino d’inverno)
Parte II (round one): Workshop
Tria digita scribunt, totus corpus laborat. Alla scoperta di un mestiere faticoso
Professor Francesca Santoni (Università degli Studi di Roma – La Sapienza)
6.50-7.20pm (in Giardino d’inverno)
Part II (round two): Workshop
Tria digita scribunt, totus corpus laborat. Alla scoperta di un mestiere faticoso
Professor Francesca Santoni (UniversitĂ degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza)
To sign-up to the workshops send an email to
Live performances programme from 6 to 9.20pm (in the garden)
Curated by Elise Lammer (fellow, visual artist, art critic and performer, Alpina Huus) & Martina-Sofie Wildberger (fellow, visual artist and performer)
From 6pm till the end
Julie Monot (invited artist) in collaborazione con Lucien Monot, Dennis
Performance itinerante
From 6 to 7.30pm
Grossi Maglioni, Occupazioni, Il Dialogo Perenne (The Perpetual Dialogue), 2018
Please sign up for the performance: or ask staff members. The installation will be accessible to the public for the entire evening.
Produced by: Novo Kulturno Naselje for Creative Europe Platform “Magic Carpets” using funds provided by the E.U.
Thanks to Latitudo, Rome
From 7.35 to 7.50pm
Beatrice Marchi (invited artist), Cabaret and concert by Loredana
From 7.55 to 8.15pm
Alizée Lenox (invited artist), Music for the plants (poetry reading)
From 8.20 to 8.40pm
Axelle Stiefel (invited artist), Codex Operator
From 8.45 to 9pm
Martina-Sofie Wildberger (fellow, visual artist and performer), I Want to Say Something
From 9.05 to 9.20pm
Eva Zornio (invited artist), Life and Death of a Paramecium
Concerts and dj-set from 9.40pm to 1am, (in the garden)
Dalle ore 21:40 alle ore 23:00
Miro Caltagirone, alias Max Usata (fellow, musician, singer, performer and actor)
Concerto Mister(o) Milano
Igor Stepniewski, organ
Lou Caramella, drums and drum machine
Max Usata, organ and voice
From 11pm to 1am
DJ Set by Ckrono
Drinks and food can be purchased at the venue throughout the event.