Bites of Transfoodmation
Online registration
Dispute series
Online registration
Dispute series
The event will be held in English and it will take place from H14:00, Central European Time (CET).
Please register online to participate.
Imagine a not so distant future where we live in a fully urbanized and globally interconnected world; where the biotech revolution allows us to produce and analyze biometric big data leading to individualized knowledge on all aspects of human beings; where climate change is still affecting the planet and where food is no longer just a matter of feeding, but rather a fundamental element of culture and health. We believe that, in such a future, production and consumption will shift towards fully individualized diets through sustainable and regenerative procedures. But how do we get there? And where do we start?
Bites of Transfoodmation is an initiative that brings together young motivated innovators that are ready to take, or have already taken, a leap into the future of food systems. Through their concrete experiences, they will compare different paths and look for common denominators indicating the way towards the future of food systems. The challenge will be to translate these bites of future into words in the form of a Transfoodmation statement. The ultimate goal is to impact the outcome of the 2021 Food System Summit.
Istituto Svizzero, in collaboration with the Embassy of Switzerland in Italy, the Permanent Representation of Switzerland to FAO, IFAD and WFP and Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), invites to this year’s edition of Dispute, which is dedicated to the future of food consumption and production. Proposing a new topic every year, the series of events provides a platform of exchange and public debate relating to the globalization and the future of contemporary societies. Featuring young innovators from different educational backgrounds, agricultural scientists, and political and social stakeholders, the Dispute offers a progressive journey and interactive discussion of the transformative potentials that reside in sustainable food systems.

H14:00-14:15 – Welcome
Moderator: Leonetta Luciano Fendi, Strategic Communication Consultant, Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN organizations in Rome
Joëlle Comé, Director Istituto Svizzero
Rita Adam, Swiss Ambassador in Italy, Malta and San Marino
Boas Erez, Rector Università della Svizzera Italiana
Marina Sereni, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
H14:15-14:30 – Introduction
Pio Wennubst, PR of Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN organizations in Rome
Federica Frediani, Research Fellow and Lecturer at Università della Svizzera Italiana
H14:30-15:20 – Panel 1: Building new societies through the lens of food
Moderator: Cassiano Luminati, Director of Polo Poschiavo
Fortesa Softa, Architect and engineer (BoT)
Amin Emadi, International GIAHS Consultant FAO (BoT)
Sara Roversi, Founder of the Future Food Institute, President of the Future Food Network
Christian Frutiger, Head of Global Cooperation at Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
H15:35-16:25 – Panel 2: Diversification, connectivity & digitalization in food systems
Moderator: Marina Helm, Marketing and Strategy Swiss Food Research
Eugenia Alfine, Nutrition scientists at Baze (BoT)
Giacomo Molteni, Msc student at Wageningen University (BoT)
Mirja Michalscheck, PhD in Natural Social Systems Research, Wageningen University
Francesco Holecz, CEO Sarmap
H16:25-17:15 – Panel 3: True Value & affordability of food
Moderator: Marylaure Crettaz, Co-Head Global Programme Food Security at Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Sofia Cereghetti, Climate Change Scientist (BoT)
Iyad AlQaisi, Lawyer at Justice Clinic (BoT)
Máximo Torero, Chief Economist Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Jonathan Normand, Founder and Executive Director B-Lab Switzerland
H17:30-18:15 – Final debate
Moderator: Alessa Perotti, Food Scientist (BoT)
Christian Frutiger, Head of Global Cooperation at Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Ute Klamert, Assistant Executive Director (Partnerships and Governance) World Food Programme (WFP)
Gilbert F. Houngbo, President International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Giorgio Marrapodi, Director General for Development Cooperation – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
H18:15-18:20 – Wrap up final debate
Pio Wennubst, PR of Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN organizations in Rome
H18:20-18:30 – Making the best out of a People Summit
David Nabarro, Strategic Director 4SD Switzerland, Special Envoy of the WHO for COVID19 and Senior Adviser on Food Systems Summit Dialogues