ArCHeoM 2022
Entrance: Via Liguria 20
Entrance: Via Liguria 20
The conference will take place at Istituto Svizzero from H09:30. The presentations will be held in Italian, French, German and English.
Book your seat to participate in presence here.
Follow the conference online here.
ArCHeoM 2022
Swiss Archaeology in the Western Mediterranean
Each year, Istituto Svizzero hosts the archaeology departments of Swiss universities, providing a platform for work and discussion to raise the profile of Swiss archaeological research in the Mediterranean region.
During the conference, Swiss doctoral students have the opportunity to present their research projects in the Western Mediterranean region. Participants include professors and researchers of classical archaeology from the Universities of Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne and Zurich.
Access is allowed only to those who obtained the Reinforced Green Pass health certificate, which proves vaccination or recovery. It is mandatory to wear a Ffp2 face mask within our spaces.
H09:30 – Institutional greetings
Joëlle Comé (Director Istituto Svizzero)
Maria Böhmer (Head of Science, Research and Innovation Istituto Svizzero)
Martin Guggisberg (University of Basel)
H09:45 – Session 1: Pre-roman Italy
H09:45-10:05 – Marcella Boglione (University of Bern), La Materialità del rituale. Comprendere lo spazio e le attività rituali nel contesto archeologico, topografico e culturale (Himera – nuove evidenze dal Piano del Tamburino)
H10:05-10:25 – Ilaria Gullo (University of Basel/Istituto Svizzero), Brindare ai morti o con i morti? Le coppe ioniche nei contesti funerari della necropoli di Macchiabate a Francavilla Marittima
H10:25-10:45 – Marta Billo-Imbach (University of Basel), Ritualizzato o riutilizzato? Reperti particolari di tombe infantili picene a Matelica
H10:45-11:15 – Coffee break
H11:15 – Session 2: Roman life and religion
H11:15-11:35 – Marie Drielsma (University of Geneva), Lampes à huile de Sicile occidentale: défis et perspectives
H11:35-11:55 – Fabio Spadini (University of Fribourg), Le ciel sur pierre: les intailles astrologiques
H11:55-12:15 – Caroline Bridel (University of Fribourg/Istituto Svizzero), Comment construire une image chrétienne: l’exemple de Marie
H12:15 – Session 3: Mural painting
H12:15-12:35 – Adrienne Cornut (University of Basel), Der vierte pompejanische Stil. Dekorphänomene und ihre Raumkontexte
H12:35-12:55 – Alexandra Spühler (University of Lausanne), Les peintures fragmentaires de la Maison des Peintres au travail à Pompéi (IX, 12)
H12:55 – Discussion
H13:30 – Lunch break
H15:00 – Session 4: Urban space and roman identity
H15:00-15:20 – Agata Guirard (University of Zurich), Memoria e identità rinnovata: gli edifici di culto nel paesaggio urbano ellenistico-romano di Iaitas/Ietas (PA, Sicilia)
H15:20-15:40 – Ilaria Trivelloni (University of Lausanne), Espace public et espace privé dans la ville romaine. Le bâtiment des spectacles comme outil de rénovation des zones endommagées par les évènements catastrophiques
H15:40-16:00 – Eleonora Bechi (University of Zurich), Un ambiente con decorazione in I stile dal sito di Monte Iato (Sicilia, Palermo): analisi del contesto e inquadramento cronologico
H16:00-16:15 – Discussion
H16:15-16:45 – Coffee break
H16:45 – News from Swiss classical archaeology (excavations, researches and exhibitions)
Michel Fuchs (Lausanne), Le projet RePAIR, Pompéi
Christoph Reusser (Zurich), I progetti di ricerca dell’Istituto di Archeologia dell’Università di Zurigo
Sylvian Fachard (Lausanne), Les fouilles de l’Ecole Suisse d’Archéologie en Grèce à Amarynthos: résumé de la saison 2021
Véronique Dasen (Fribourg), Le projet COST EURO WEB, Europe through textiles
Lorenz E. Baumer (Geneva), The Power of Copy – Realizzazione di un progetto cinese-svizzero ai tempi del Covid
H19:00 – Keynote
H19:00 – Véronique Dasen (University of Fribourg), Locus Ludi: alla ricerca della cultura ludica antica greca e romana
H20:15 – Aperitif