
ArCHeoM 2023

Archaeology, Conference, Science, Roma

Entrance: via Liguria 20

Archaeology, Conference, Science

Entrance: via Liguria 20

The conferences will be held in German, French, English and Italian at Istituto Svizzero, via Liguria 20, Rome. 
Registration recommended here.

ArCHeoM 2023
Swiss Archaeology in the Western Mediterranean

Each year, Istituto Svizzero hosts the archaeology departments of Swiss universities, providing a platform for work and discussion to raise the profile of Swiss archaeological research in the Mediterranean region.

During this year’s conference, Swiss postdoctoral students have the opportunity to present their research projects in the Mediterranean region. Participants include professors and researchers of classical archaeology from the Universities of Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel and Zurich.


H09:30 ― Institutional greetings

Maria Böhmer, Head of Science Istituto Svizzero
Martin Guggisberg, University of Basel

H09:45 ― Session 1: lo spazio, la frontiera e le vie di communicazione

H09:45-10:05 ― Christine Pönitz-Hunziker, University of Geneva, Les espaces frontaliers d’Arcadie. La démarcation, l’occupation et l’exploitation des espaces frontaliers entre la fin de la période mycénienne et la période romaine

H10:05-10:25 ― Hristina Ivanova-Anaplioti, University of Zurich, Grenzziehung im römisch-republikanischen Makedonien anhand der Münzzirkulation im Kultur- und Wirtschaftsraum von Herakleia Sintike

H10:25-10:45 ― Marc Duret, University of Geneva, Entre terres et mer — Archéologie du territoire et des atouts maritimes de trois cités grecques devenues romaines

H10:45-11:05 ― Veronika Sossau, University of Basel, White Marbles at the Black Sea. Transfers of Motifs and Styles between the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea in the Late Archaic Period

H11:05-11:30 ― Coffee break

H11:30 ― Session 2: l’immagine nell’arte greca e romana

H11:30-11:50 ― Tamara Saggini, University of Geneva, Phanyllis en Méditerrannée : nouvelles données dans l’enquête sur un atelier de lécythes à figures noires

H11:50-12:10 ― Virginie Nobs, University of Basel, Entre hellénisme et romanisation : évolution des goûts et pratiques de l’usage de la sculpture en Grande Grèce et Sicile

H12:10 ― Session 3: Ricezione

H12:10-12:30 ― Josy Luginbühl, University of Bern, Entangled. Networks of the antiquities trade at the end of the 19th/early 20th century and their impact on archaeological research

H12:30 ― Discussion

H13:00 ― Break

H15:00 ― Session 4: architettura e pratiche culturali

H15:00-15:20 ― Tobias Krapf, ESAG/University of Basel, Mt Hellanion Oros on Aegina Island: tracing the diachronic human presence between the cult of Zeus and a refuge settlement

H15:20-15:40 ― Guy Ackermann, University of Geneva, Athletics and education in the ancient Greek cities. Recent and future research on the gymnasia of Delos, Delphi and Eretria

H15:40-16:00 ― Alexandra Tanner, University of Zurich, Il complesso della stoa nord e l’agorà di Iaitas/letas in età ellenistica-romana

H16:00-16:20 ― Aleksandra Mistireki, University of Bern, Cucinare, mangiare e festeggiare con gli dei. Sul potenziale della ceramica domestica come marcatore socio-culturale nei contesti sacri

H16:20 ― Discussion

H16:35-17:00 ― Coffee break

H17:00 ― Notizie dall’archeologia classica svizzera (scavi, ricerche e mostre)
Prof. Dr. Othmar Jäggi (Lausanne), Le projet Égine
Prof. Dr. Michel Fuchs (Lausanne), Approche d’un nouveau dĂ©cor de plafond Ă  la Maison des Peintres au travail de PompĂ©i
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Baumer (Geneva), Anticitera – nuove ricerche sul sito del naufragio
Prof. Dr. Elena Mango (Bern), HIMERA 2.0 – Beyond History
Dr. Alexandra Attia (Freiburg), Kottabos : nouvelles approches d’un jeu de sociĂ©tĂ© « grec » en Italie du sud, entre iconographie et archĂ©ologie

H19:00 ― Keynote
Prof. Dr. Hédi Dridi, University of Neuchâtel, Dinamiche di mobilità fenicie e puniche durante il primo millenio a.C

H20:15 ― Aperitif