
Ereditare e restituire. Architetti del patrimonio

Architecture, Summer Schools, Talk, Roma

Summer school
RRR – Roma, Riuso e Restauro



Architecture, Summer Schools, Talk

Summer school
RRR – Roma, Riuso e Restauro

Public lecture by professor Elisabetta Pallottino, director of the Architecture department, UniversitĂ  degli Studi Roma Tre.

Within the framework of the Summer School RRR – Roma, Riuso e Restauro
A project by Accademia di architettura – UniversitĂ  della Svizzera italiana (USI).

Organised by Prof. Sergio Bettini, Carla Mazzarelli, Daniela Mondini, Christoph Frank

Elisabetta Pallottino is an architect and professor of architectural restoration. She is coordinator of the II level Master’s Degree in Architectural Restoration and Heritage Culture, member of the Council of the European Master’s Course in History of Architecture and of the Faculty Board of the Rome-Bari Consortium Doctorate Course: innovation and heritage.
She is member of the Scientific Council and the CROMA Council (University Center for the Study of Rome) and of the Scientific Council of the ARCo (Association for the recovery of the built). Elisabetta Pallottino is also director of the magazine “Ricerche di Storia dell’arte” – Conservation and Restoration Series. She carries out research and professional consulting in the field of study, restoration and enhancement of the architectural and archaeological heritage of mainly Italian cultural and urban landscapes; she is author of several publications on restoration of the ancient, the history of the shipyard and the construction, history of architecture and heritage and methodology of architectural restoration.

Since July 2013 she is Director of the Department of Architecture, academic senator and member of the University Didactic Commission.