Musei in Musica
Special opening until H23:00
Entrance: via Ludovisi 48
Special opening until H23:00
Entrance: via Ludovisi 48
On the occasion of Musei in Musica, Istituto Svizzero will once again open its doors to the public exceptionally on Saturday, 07.12.2024, in the evening, until H23:00.
The evening will be an opportunity to visit Blood Most Precious, Shahryar Nashat’s first major solo show in Rome. In his practice, the artist often deals with the representation of bodies. Light falls filtered into the rooms of Istituto Svizzero, where Shahryar Nashat continues his research with new and existing works: he develops visual and conceptual connections between the significance of blood in Christian theology (the precious blood!) and the fragmented or abstracted representation of bodies with blood and flesh and saliva, of desirable bodies, digitally present on the glossy surface of our smartphones. At the same time, Blood Most Precious is also a reflection on desire, disgust and cycles of (body) fluids, but also of life and death.
Musei in Musica is an initiative that allows to appreciate the beauty of the permanent collections and the works of the numerous temporary exhibitions currently on display, while at the same time attending the extensive programme of concerts and live performances planned. Around 50 spaces with 35 exhibitions are taking part in the event, with over 100 events, including entertainment and guided tours.
The event is promoted by Roma Culture, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali with the collaboration of Zètema Progetto Cultura.