
Giornata Mondiale della Poesia

Literatur, Poesie, Online

16.03.2021 from H18:00
21.03.2021 from H18:00


Literatur, Poesie

16.03.2021 from H18:00
21.03.2021 from H18:00


Poetry readings by Andrea Bianchetti

This year’s edition of World Poetry Day is dedicated to Dante Alighieri and will take place entirely online in compliance with anti-COVID-19 measures. Previews and video contributions by the poets will available on the Facebook page of EUNIC Roma, until Saturday 20 March, the eve of the event.

On Sunday 21 of March, at H18:00, Istituto Svizzero will present a reading by the poet Andrea Bianchetti, available for viewing on the website and the social media channels of Istituto Svizzero, and on the Facebook page and on the Youtube channel of EUNIC Rome.

The event is organized in collaboration with EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture).


Andrea Bianchetti, unreleased poem for the World Poetry Day dedicated to Dante Alighieri:

Andrea Bianchetti (Milano, 1984) lives and works in Bellinzona (Switzerland) as a professor and reviewer for Rete Due (RSI). He graduated in German Literature at Università Cattolica in Milan and in Italian Literature at Istituto di Studi Italiani in Lugano. In 2007 he released the collection of poems Sparami amore di cera (Alla Chiara Fonte editore). In 2012 he published, again with Alla Chiara Fonte editore, Estreme visioni di bianco. In 2013 he published Carneficine (Locarno, Ana ed.), a little poem in three movements, shifted to theatre by Opera retablO. In 2015 he won a literary scholarship from Pro Helvetia for his new project, entitled Gratosoglio, published in 2019 (edizioni Sottoscala).

Andrea Bianchetti, ‚Una Poesia alla Limmat‘
(Edited in Quaderni di Curzútt, Poesia 5, Bellinzona, edizioni sottoscala, 2019).