
Visual inquiry in the social sciences: intelligibility, analysis, and reflexivity

Vorlesungsreihe, Wissenschaft, Roma

Ways of Seeing





Vorlesungsreihe, Wissenschaft

Ways of Seeing

Con: Francesca Alby, Guelfo Carbone, Annamaria Carusi, Marina Ciampi, Marilena Fatigante, Giolo Fele, Renata Galatolo, Hubert Knoblauch, Katarina Limacher, Giuseppe Losacco, Francesca Lulli, Michael Mair, Francesco Mattioli, Barbara Pentimalli, Larissa Schindler, Philippe Sormani, Andrea Spreafico, Anna Maria Paola Toti, Cristina Zucchermaglio


Evening lecture, 23 March 2016:
Prof. Giolo Fele (University of Trento)
Accounting for taste. Video analysis of tasting sessions

Giolo Fele

I took a degree in 1984 in Sociology (with honors) at Università La Sapienza in Rome. I then did a research doctorate (2nd cycle) in “Sociology and Social Research” at the Department of Sociology, University of Trent (1986/1988). In the period from July 2004 to July 2005 I was a researcher at the Department of Sociology of the University of California, Los Angeles.

I was awarded a Marie Curie OIF – Outgoing International Fellowship of the European Commission to conduct research on emergency communication (July 2004 – December 2005).

I generally focus on sociology of communication and various areas of sociology of cultural processes. In particular, my interests involve analysis of social interaction, using naturalistic and ethnographic research methods; the role of symbolism and rituals in social life; the study of social organization of discourse and conversation in context.

In 1995 I won the competition for a research position at the Department of Communication Disciplines, School of Letters and Philosophy, Università di Bologna. In September 2002 I was approved as qualified for a teaching poast at the 1st level, following a comparative evaluation procedure. In October 2002 I was appointed as a special professor for the class SPS/08 (Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes) at the Department of Sociology of the University of Trento.

In the Department of Sociology of the University of Trento I teach Sociology of Communication and Methods and Techniques of Social Research (Qualitative and Ethnographic Methods) in the masters program in Sociology and Social Research.

I also teach regularly at the PhD program in Sociology and Social Research of the Department of Sociology of the Università di Trento. I teach (2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009) a module on Analysis of Discourse and Analysis of Conversation at the 2nd level University Masters MetRiS, Department of Sociology, Università La Sapienza in Rome.


 Thursday, 26 May
Department of Scienze della Formazione, Università di Roma Tre,
piazza della Repubblica, 10 – Room 39 (ex Consiglio), 2nd floor

14.00 Welcome
Andrea Spreafico (University of Roma Tre) and
Philippe Sormani (Istituto Svizzero di Roma)

14.15 Introduction and Chair
Barbara Pentimalli (University of Roma Tre and Sapienza of Rome)

14.30 L’immagine come categoria interpretativa sociologica
Marina Ciampi (University Sapienza of Rome)

15.15 Multimodal analysis of specialised medical consultations:
the case of amputees at a prosthetics centre
Renata Galatolo (University of Bologna)

16.15 Documentario e sociologia. Punti di vista e percorsi visuali
Anna Maria Paola Toti (University Sapienza of Rome)

17.00 Being in the right place. Uso del video e analisi della partecipazione
dell’accompagnatore in prime visite oncologiche
Cristina Zucchermaglio, Francesca Alby and Marilena Fatigante
(University Sapienza of Rome)

18.00 Evening lecture
Accounting for taste. Video analysis of tasting sessions
Giolo Fele (University of Trento)

Friday, 27 May
Istituto Svizzero di Roma, via Ludovisi 48

10.00 Welcome
Michele Luminati (Istituto Svizzero di Roma)
Introduction and Chair
Philippe Sormani (Istituto Svizzero di Roma)

10.15 Video Analysis and Videography
Hubert Knoblauch (TU, Berlin)

11.00 La sociologia visuale. Che cosa è e come si fa
Francesco Mattioli (University Sapienza of Rome)

12.00 The blindness of the Social:
What Video Recordings add to Participant Observation
Larissa Schindler (University of Hamburg)

12.45 Sguardi e racconti. Appunti di un percorso di antropologia visuale
Francesca Lulli (University Sapienza of Rome)

15.00 Introduction and Chair
Guelfo Carbone (Istituto Svizzero di Roma)

15.15 Traveling images: visual religious practice in the hindu diaspora
Katarina Limacher (University of Luzern and Istituto Svizzero di Roma)

16.00 Analyzing Videos, Recasting Sociology: Insights from Visual Work
Michael Mair (University of Liverpool)

17.00 Restituzioni analogiche, restituzioni digitali: come cambia
la sociologia visuale nell’era della digitalizzazione dell’immagine
Giuseppe Losacco (University of Bologna)

17.45 Mediating technologies in disciplinary imaginaries
Annamaria Carusi (University of Sheffield)

Full video of the evening lecture