From the Alps to Rome
From the Alps to Rome: circulation of knowledge in the modern era
The conference will be in Italian held at Istituto Svizzero, via Liguria 20, Roma
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A round table on the occasion of the upcoming release of Simona Boscani Leoni’s book: Interconnected worlds. Johann Jakob Scheuchzer and the scientific discovery of the Alps, 1500-1730, Roma, Viella, 2024
The conference offers an opportunity to examine and reflect on the evolution of naturalistic studies in the modern era, which has seen significant progress since the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas. What research practices developed during the sixteenth century, how did the exchange of information and objects work between Europe and the rest of the world and vice versa? How has this globalization of the world also led to the exploration of still unknown (and feared) European territories, for example the Alps?
These and other questions will be at the center of the evening.
In collaboration with the University of Lausanne

Simona Boscani Leoni is professor of modern history at the University of Lausanne. After her studies at the University of Bologna and her doctorate at the EHESS in Paris, she was assistant professor in modern history at the University of Bern. She has also taught and done research at several universities in France, Italy, Switzerland and Germany. She recently edited the volumes Connecting Territories : Exploring People and Nature, 1700 1830, Leiden / Boston : Brill, 2022 and Images of Nature – From the Middle Ages to (Non-)Western Modernities, Special Issue of Histories, 2023. Her His latest monograph, published by the Viella publisher, is titled Interconnected Worlds. Johann Jakob Scheuchzer and the scientific discovery of the Alps, 1500-1730.
Sabina Brevaglieri is currently a Research Fellow at Humboldt Universität in Berlin. In 2022, she was a Fellow at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University (NY) and, in 2023, a Visiting Professor at the IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca. She works on the production of naturalistic knowledge and missionary collection objects and practices, with particular reference to Rome in global perspective. She is the author of Natural desiderio di sapere. Roma barocca fra vecchie e nuovi mondi Roma, Viella, La corte dei papi, 2019. She has also of edited the monographic issue Missionary collecting “Quaderni Storici,” 169, 2022.
Antonio Clericuzio is professor of the history of the Science and Technology at the University of Roma Tre. He has been F.A. Yates Fellow at the Warburg Institute, associate professor at the University of Cassino and visiting scholar at the University of Tours and the Freie Universität Berlin. Among his works, we mention: Uomo e natura: scienza, tecnica e societĂ dall’AntichitĂ all’EtĂ moderna, Rome, Carocci, 2022 and La Macchina del Mondo. Teorie e pratiche scientifiche dal Rinascimento a Newton, Rome, Carocci, 2012 (2005). He has written numerous essays on Robert Boyle, atomism and seventeenth-century chemistry and was co-editor of Robert Boyle’s Correspondence.
Figura 5: Schema del funzionamento del laghetto di montagna chiamato Calandari, famoso per i suoi rumori (Scheuchzer, Ouresiphoitēs Helveticus, 1708, Tavola VI), ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Rar 5914, rara-22610