

Talk, Workshop, Roma/Online

“I Pomeriggi” series
H10:00-16:00 – Workshop
H17:30-19:30 – Talk

Talk, Workshop

“I Pomeriggi” series
H10:00-16:00 – Workshop
H17:30-19:30 – Talk


The event will be held at the Istituto Svizzero, Roma
Curated by Jacopo Belloni (Fellow Roma Calling, Visual arts, Performance).
‘I Pomeriggi’ series

Worldbuilding is a narrative technique that stems primarily from the need to create rich, realistic settings for fantasy or science fiction stories. Initially, this technique was used in the field of literature; later, with the advent of video games, worldbuilding became a common practice in game design, in which creating immersive virtual worlds is essential. Since then, worldbuilding has continued to evolve and expand, also influencing other fields such as film, television, and comic books, where the creation of well-defined worlds has become essential to engage audiences and tell complex stories.
What if the same real world becomes the backdrop into which narrative inventions are poured, entering into a process of worldbuilding and calling into question the very concept of reality in order to imagine new ones?

Affabula event consists of a workshop and a talk.
The game design workshop, curated by Chaos League, focuses on creating narratives on the borderline between fiction and reality. This is followed by the talk with Fuoco Balduzzi, Mafalda Morganti, Luca Scarlini and Mattia Salvia to discuss and analyze affabulation in our contemporary times, ranging from LARP, costumes, political cosplay and shared narratives.


H10:00-16:00 – Workshop, will be held in the garden, via Ludovisi 48
Free entry, register here.

H17:30-19:30 – Talk, will be held in Sala Elvetica, via Liguria 20
Free entry, register here or online register here.

H17:30 ― Saluti Istituzionali
Maria Böhmer, Istituto Svizzero
Jacopo Belloni, Istituto Svizzero

H17:40-18:10 ― Luca Scarlini, Writer
L’abito e il monaco: storia di un’immagine culturale.

H18:10-18:45 ― Mattia Salvia, VICE
Cosplay politico. La forma della politica nel XXI secolo

H18:45 ― Mafalda Morganti, Trainer in the field of youth work
e Fuoco Balduzzi, collective Chaos League
Larp. Narrazione condivisa



Fuoco Balduzzi is a larp designer, filmmaker and visual designer with a background in visual arts and over 10 years of experience in the creative industry. He has a particularly keen interest and commitment to social awareness projects and has been an LGBTQ+ activist since his youth. He trained at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan and the London Film School, and his work has been selected and awarded at numerous international festivals, including Cannes Film Festival, The Iris Prize and Aesthetica. Since 2020 he has been collaborating with Chaos League to create live role-playing games and multimedia gaming experiences.

Jacopo Belloni (1992) is an artist living and working in Geneva. His research explores the imaginative, narrative and symbolic diversions that societies adopt to cope with states of crisis. His sculptural works and performances refer to vernacular culture, a symbolic and superstitious universe that continues to resonate in our contemporary world. He holds a Work.Master at HEAD – Genùve (2021) and has exhibited in various institutions and spaces such as Kunsthalle, Berne; Forde, Geneva; Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau; Palazzo Re Rebaudengo, Guarene (TO). In Rome, he will continue his research into the traditions of the Italian rural world as a way of dealing with states of crisis and ‘cultural apocalypse’, influenced by the theories of anthropologist Ernesto de Martino.

Mafalda Morganti designs, manages, and leads training projects in the field of youth work, adult education, and schools, both locally and internationally, since 2010. She specializes in coordinating strategic partnership projects and designing formal and non-formal educational activities, which she has also been doing on behalf of the Chaos League collective since 2021. She works as a freelance trainer with a wide range of organizations, from small NGOs to informal groups, international organizations, and public entities such as National Youth Agencies and the SALTO Training and Cooperation Center. Her main areas of expertise as a trainer are creativity, communication, group dynamics, and community building, primarily through methods such as storytelling, improvisational theater, and educational role-playing.

Mattia Salvia (1990) has worked for VICE and Rolling Stone. In 2019, he founded Iconografie, a magazine about the spirit of the present time, of which he is the editor. His latest book is “Interregno: Iconografie del XXI secolo” (NERO, 2022).

Chaos League is a collective of game designers and transmedia storytellers that designs and creates immersive experiences unique in their kind. Composed of professionals from various educational and professional backgrounds, such as actors, writers, musicians, directors, educators, and screenwriters, the collective combines their skills to create engaging worlds and stories. With twenty-five years of experience and projects in Italy, Sweden, England, Finland, Poland, and Tunisia, Chaos League has established itself as one of the most important points of reference in the global larp scene. Events organized by Chaos League have received international recognition and have been a source of inspiration for documentaries, articles, books, conferences, and the film “The Bunker Game” produced by Eagle Pictures and Canal Plus. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world participate in Chaos League events, attracted by the opportunity to immerse themselves in extraordinary adventures and live unforgettable experiences. Thanks to their dedication and passion for larp, Chaos League continues to influence and shape the international community of live role-playing enthusiasts.

Luca Scarlini (1966) is a writer, playwright for theaters and music, narrator, performance artist, and curator of exhibitions. An art storyteller, he collaborates with numerous museums, spanning art, music, theater, and fashion. Among his recent books, often dedicated to art themes, notable ones include “Lustrini per il regno dei cieli” (Bollati Boringhieri), “Sacre sfilate” (Guanda), dedicated to fashion in the Vatican, “Un paese in ginocchio” (Guanda), “La sindrome di Michael Jackson” (Bompiani), “Andy Warhol superstar” (Johan and Levi), “Siviero contro Hitler” (Skira), “Memorie di un’opera d’arte” (Skira), “Ziggy Stardust. La vera natura dei sogni” (Add), “Bianco tenebra. Serpotta di notte e di giorno” (Sellerio), “Teatri d’amore” (Nottetempo), “L’ultima regina di Firenze” (Bompiani), “Le vacanze dell’arte” (Pacini), “L’uccello del paradiso” (Fandango), “Rinascimento Babilonia” (Marsilio), “Bompiani Story” (Bompiani), “Le streghe non esistono” (Bompiani), “Cocteau A-Z” (Electa), “Vanessa Bell” (Electa).