Repair and Access
Via Tommaso da Cazzaniga
angolo Corso Garibaldi 89/A
As part of House of Switzerland
Via Tommaso da Cazzaniga
angolo Corso Garibaldi 89/A
As part of House of Switzerland
The talk will be held in English at H18:30 at Casa degli Artisti, Via Tommaso da Cazzaniga corner Corso Garibaldi 89/A, Milan.
Free entry, register here.
Marion Elmer moderates a roundtable that takes up current debates – both in Switzerland and internationally – in contemporary architecture and link approaches from theory/research and from practice.
Repair and Access – Sustainable Practices in Existing Built Environments
Not only has a global pandemic brought environmental and emotional ecosystems into our focus, but the discussion in architectural production is increasingly shifting to issues of care(work), planetary caring, and sustainable practices in the age of climate change and extraction. New (building) methods and tools are in demand. Some architects have even called for a global moratorium on building. The debate becomes multidimensional in dealing with the built environment, especially regarding the preservation and renovation of historical monuments: demolition and new construction are resource-intensive practices, while renovation or monument preservation projects today should meet requirements for accessibility to implement the idea of architecture for all.
The panelists will offer their views and experiences in dealing with this situation. How can current architectural theory, history, and design implement the call for more sustainable approaches, even more so in cities with a predominantly historical character?
Speakers include: Nicola Braghieri (EPFL), Guido Brandi (ZHAW), Daniela Mondini (USI/Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio), moderated by Marion Elmer.
The request for the recognition of 2 CFP for architects was made to the CNAPPC for this initiative. In collaboration with CASABELLAformazione and ProViaggiArchitettura.
About House of Switzerland (26.04.2022-12.06.2022)
From the 26th of April, Switzerland will present its innovative and creative side in Milan. In the heart of the historic Brera district, House of Switzerland will serve as a meeting hub between Italy and Switzerland. Until June, the pop-up event platform will be at Casa degli Artisti and in collaboration with several personalities in the fields of economy, science, politics and culture, it will offer a program of panel discussions, networking events, official meetings, workshops and much more around the themes of innovation, sustainability, art and culture.
For the Milan Design Week, House of Switzerland will be dedicated entirely to the world-famous Swiss design. House of Switzerland is a project of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, namely Presence Switzerland, the Embassy of Switzerland in Italy and the Consulate General of Switzerland in Milano together with the partners Switzerland Global Enterprise/Swiss Business Hub Italy, Switzerland Tourism and Pro Helvetia.
Nicola Braghieri is an architect, PhD, lives and works between Lausanne and Geneva. He has taught at Politecnico di Milano, the University of Genoa, ETH Zurich and TUD Darmstadt. He is currently a professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) where he directs the Laboratoire de Beaux-Arts Numériques, the Archives de l’Imaginaire and the Atelier d’Architecture Alpine.
Guido Brandi is an architect and a graduate of the Accademia di architettura in Mendrisio (USI). He lives between Zurich and Como and divides his time between working as a researcher at ZHAW and freelancing with the brandiguerra firm based in Como. From 2013 to 2018 he worked at pool architekten studio in Zurich winning several competitions and supervising the realization of the VBZ Busdepot und ERZ Werkhof in Zurich. In 2018, he received his Master’s degree MAS MTEC (Management, Innovation and Technology) from ETH Zurich. Since 2018, he has been a Fellow Researcher at the Faculty of Architecture, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), where he researches the topics of circular architecture and reuse of building materials and assists faculty in Master’s courses in architectural design. In 2021 he published Bauteilen wiederverwenden, Ein Kompendium zum zirkulären Bauen (Park Books), being co-editor and author.
Marion Elmer studied Social Anthropology at the University of Zurich and History and Theory of Architecture at ETH Zurich. As a freelance author she writes about architecture, with a focus on Ticino, and about sustainable, climate-friendly building and living. She edits books and magazines and moderates workshops and discussions.
Daniela Mondini is professor of History of Art and Architecture at the Accademia di architettura in Mendrisio (Università della Svizzera italiana). Her studies mainly focus on the Roman Middle Ages, light and darkness in architecture, art historiography and the history of photography. From 2002 to 2010 she collaborated at the University of Zurich on the second and third volumes of Kirchen der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter edited by Peter Cornelius Claussen, and since 2015 she has been coordinating together with Carola Jäggi the international research group for the continuation of the Corpus Cosmatorum with funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation. Recently published San Lorenzo fuori le mura in Rome. Vicissitudes of the monumental complex in the Middle Ages (Viella 2016), the editing of the third volume of the Quaderni della Bibliotheca Hertziana Séroux d’Agincourt and the history of art around 1800 (Campisano 2019) and the fourth volume of Kirchen der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter. Kirchen M – O of the Corpus Cosmatorum (2020). In 2018 and 2021 she coordinated the Summer school Rome Reuse Restoration. From 2017 to 2020, she was pro-rector of the Università della Svizzera italiana. She is a member of the Executive Board and Deputy Director for Research at the Academy of Architecture, and since 2020 she has been directing the Master’s Program in History and Theory of Art and Architecture at the same faculty.

Repair and Access – Sustainable Practices in Existing Built Environments, Casa degli Artisti, Milan, 2022
Repair and Access – Sustainable Practices in Existing Built Environments, Casa degli Artisti, Milan, 2022