
La cultura in onda

Conférence, Roma

Entrance: via Liguria 20


Entrance: via Liguria 20

The conference will be held in Italian at H18:00 at Istituto Svizzero, via Liguria 20, Rome.
Free entrance, register here.

Culture on air: between vertical linearity and horizontal networks

Istituto Svizzero hosts an event devoted to the relationship between the cultural and media sectors. In recent decades, the global, national and regional media landscape has experienced substantial upheavals. Radio, television and print media have been joined by alternative modes of consumption and access to media content, moving from a vertical and linear model to a horizontal and networked one. At the same time, the cultural sector has also experienced significant evolutionary processes, involving traditional practices by fostering the emergence of new proposals.

In this dynamic context, the question arises as to how relations between the worlds of culture and media adapt and articulate. Osservatorio culturale del Cantone Ticino bent on the subject by being in conversation with exponents of the regional media landscape and with the cultural workers themselves, exploring the issue of change from different perspectives.

During the event, the panelists will explore the following questions: with respect to the changing media environment, what are the responses brought by operators in the two supply chains, particularly with regard to the production and dissemination of cultural content? What strategies have been adopted to match the needs of their audiences?

The event is organized by Osservatorio culturale del Cantone Ticino, Dipartimento dell’educazione, della cultura e dello sport – Divisione della cultura e degli studi universitari.


H18:00 ― Joëlle Comé, Director Istituto Svizzero, Institutional greetings

H18:05 ― Raffaella Castagnola Rossini, Director Divisione della cultura e degli studi universitari, Incroci d’esperienze

H18:15 ― Piero Alessandro Corsini, Director RAI5, Culture and Educational RAI, Fare televisione nel mondo della cultura: strategie di adattamento e innovazione

H18:35 ― Lorenzo Erroi, Head of Culture and Society Department RSI, Cambiare registro. Il giornalismo culturale nella Svizzera italiana tra nuovi canali e nuovi linguaggi

H18:55 ― Roland Hochstrasser, Head of Osservatorio culturale del Cantone Ticino, Dialoghi interattivi tra cultura e media

H19:10 ― Discussion and Q&A

H19:30 ― Conclusion

Moderator: Raffaella Castagnola Rossini