Atti privati e pratiche documentarie nel lungo X secolo
Private Charters and Documentary Practice in the long 10th century (ca. 870-ca. 1030)
On the occasion of the publication of the twelfth and final volume of the edition of the ninth century St.-Gall charters, the University of Groningen, the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna and the Stiftsarchiv St. Gall have organized a conference in Rome on the changes of documentary practice in the long tenth century in Europe. This conference is a follow-up to an earlier one (Die Privaturkunden der Karolingerzeit) on the continuation and spread of the Roman heritage of documentary-legal administration, taking into account, among other things, the standardizing tendencies of the Carolingian empire. This time we will be dealing with what happened when the different parts of the Carolingian empire started to diverge after 870. The genre of documentation (private charters as opposed to royal charters) is chosen, since these documents were produced at slightly lower, regional levels of society as well. It permits us to observe how people who did not belong to the highest levels of society went about their legal affairs.
Adrian Brändli (Responsabile Scientifico, Istituto Svizzero, Roma)
Saluti Istituzionali
Mark Mersiowsky (Universität Stuttgart)
Die Paderborner Traditionen und das westfälische Urkundenwesen im 10. und frühen 11. Jahrhundert
Andrea Stieldorf (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)
Urkunden in und um Köln im 10. Jahrhundert
Philippe Depreux (Universität Hamburg)
Musterurkunden sammeln und zusammenstellen im späten 9. und im 10. Jahrhundert
Jesús Alturo i Perucho & Tània Alaix (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
La documentazione privata catalana del periodo carolingio come riflesso del livello culturale di una società
Maria Josefa sanz Fuentes & Miguel Calleja Puerta (Universidad de Oviedo)
Los documentos entre particulares en el reino de Asturias y León (870-1030 ca.)
Discussione finale
Presiede Walter Pohl