Archivi di arte e grafica
Curated by m.a.x museo
Curated by m.a.x museo
The conference will be held in Italian at H18:00 at Istituto Svizzero, via Liguria 20, Rome.
Free entrance, register here.
Archives of Art and Graphics. A Heritage of Knowledge Between Past and Future
Istituto Svizzero hosts a conference curated by the m.a.x. museum in Chiasso as part of the program of collateral events to the exhibition ARCHIVI GRAFICI/GRAPHIC ARCHIVES (Chiasso, 18.05.2024—22.09.2024).
The art and graphics archive is of increasing interest internationally for its function of protecting and enhancing the works and work of artists. Through the archiving of documents of various kinds, which are made available for consultation, the study and knowledge of an important sector of artistic culture is encouraged.
This conference will focus on an in-depth reflection on the concept of ‘archives of art and graphics’, following on from the in-depth study already started here last year. In a context in which visual communication is taking on an increasingly central role, the creation of centres dedicated to the research and study of graphics is proving to be essential in order to highlight the historical-critical path of this discipline.
The aim is to raise awareness among experts, scholars and enthusiasts about the importance of these archives. The ideal spaces for archival cultural projects, the perspectives of different types of archives (bio-iconographic, photographic, bibliographic) and possible collaborations between related institutions will be discussed. Discussion with the audience and speakers will offer insights into these topics.
The occasion of the conference is an important signal of the willingness to witness the Canton of Ticino’s ability to ‘make culture’ abroad as well, and to promote cultural projects in synergy with important public institutions and international loans. The different voices of the speakers will explore, also through the projection of images, the theme of the role of the art and graphic archives and the importance of preserving, studying and making available to the public the graphic ‘knowledge’ that underlies the history of communication.
A project by
m.a.x. museo – Centro Culturale Chiasso
Comune di Chiasso – Dicastero attività culturali
With the support of:
Repubblica e Cantone Ticino – Dipartimento dell’educazione, della cultura e dello sport
Aiuto federale per la lingua e la cultura italiana
AdA – Avvenire dell’Antico
H18:00-18:10 ― Gioia Dal Molin, Head Curator at Istituto Svizzero, institutional greetings
H18:10-18:30 ― Michele Amadò, Secretary AdA – Avvenire dell’Antico, L’archivio degli archivi. Il significato e il valore degli Archivi nella storia
H18:30-18:45 ― Giulia Pedace, Head of the Archives, Art and Documentation Centre at MAXXI, Genesi e futuro degli Archivi di Arte del MAXXI
H18:45-19:00 ― Nicoletta Ossanna Cavadini, Director m.a.x. museo Chiasso, L’archivio grafico nel sistema dell’arte contemporanea: il caso del CIAG di Chiasso
H19:00-19:30 ― Discussion
Moderation by Raffaella Castagnola Rossini, Director DCSU, Divisione della cultura e degli studi universitari, Dipartimento dell’educazione, della cultura e dello sport del Cantone Ticino